Mindfulness, Insight and Metta meditation teacher
Having spent a year as a monk in Myanmar with Ven. Sayadaw U Pandita and Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw, Tempel now organizes the Dedicate Practitioner Program (DPP) for Spirit Rock Meditation Center.

Upcoming Offerings
Stay updated with Tempel Smith's upcoming events and workshops.
Living with the Body
Our upcoming intensive will cover: Intimacy, Steadiness and Wisdom from the 1st Foundations of Mindfulness

About Tempel
With a desire to fully awaken I have spent many years living in the wilderness, urban areas, monasteries and retreat centers. Along the way I have deeply understood the patterns in my mind, heart and body that lead to well being and those that lead to my own suffering. From formal trainings and education combined with person experience I have begun to guide people into their own awakening.
Dharma Talks
Free access to listen to Tempel's Dharma talks from over the years.